We will find $100k of hidden revenue in your business in 45-min, without spending a single dollar on advertising or marketing, GUARANTEED.

Are you sick and tired of business stagnation?

Fed up getting pitched by ad & marketing companies that don't guarantee results?

Schedule your no-cost 45-min, revenue breakthrough session ($2,500 value)

LIMITED TIME OFFER! "No-cost Revenue Breakthrough Sessions" are offered on a very limited basis. Click the button above and book your session before they are gone. Once the calendar is full, the initial groundbreaking session will only be available at full price: $2,500. Book your session now, while there are still slots left.

Our guarantee: We give you a written guarantee, that you will realize a minimum 3X ROI, or we double your money back.

If you could spend $2.00 and get back $10.00, how many times a month would you do that? The answer is obvious. Creating a provable business model where you know, that every dollar you spend, employee you hire, hour you spend working in your business leads to a return on your investment, is the fundamental principle of your success. Predictable and repeatable ROI; is the way to exponential growth and scaling of your company.

Demand ROI guarantees from all of your vendors and service providers. Clicks, views, calls, likes, shares, open rates and any other claims of success are meaningless, unless your precious cash is multiplied every time you spend it.

Some of our biggest fans

For over 30 years, the team of expert consultants at Strategic Position Group, LLC have worked with some of the biggest and well know companies in the world and now bring that same experience, intelligence and no-nonsense focus to your business.

Groundbreaking discoveries for you & your business

During your 45-min, no-cost session ($2,500 Value) we will find you a minimum of $100K in additional revenue for your business, without spending a single dollar on advertising or marketing, guaranteed.

Business growth is driven by proven strategies not random tactics.

95% of small to medium business strategies are identical to their competitors and they DON'T WORK!

Do you actually know how your business is going to grow?

It is shocking to discover how many businesses do not have a written business plan, vision statement, mission statement, market domination strategy or "Elevator Pitch" that every employee from the receptionist to the CEO can recite on demand.

Remarkably, companies that do have a written plan, fail to update and interact with it as a living document.

"What gets measured, gets managed'

Can your customers really distinguish you from your competitors?

Some say "The more you tell, the more you sell'." Not so, if what you say is just more of the "Me Too" messages, that all of your competitors are trumpeting. If you your marketing, sales and culture doesn't solve the problems, needs and wants that your prospects have circulating in their minds and emotions, you will likely be relegated to competing on pricing and your chances of business growth will be slim to none. The age old marketing sales adage is true now more than ever:

"People buy holes not drills"

Do you actually know how your business is going to grow?

Investors don't buy businesses that rely on the owner being present & active for the business to thrive. In order to sell your business or sustain recurring income from it when you retire, you must create a company that can run without you.

One of the biggest mistakes that business owners make is not building a business that can survive without them; they wind up being shackled to it long after they want to retire or sell.

"Plan to make yourself obsolete"

Finally, wrap your hands around your companie's future.

Put an end to business uncertainty. Build the company you dream of. Take back control of your life.

Don't trust marketing and ad sales people to determine what you need to do, to grow your business.

Sales people are not trained in business strategy. How many times have advertising and marketing sales people promised you that their products and services are "The Answer" to your business success, but never offer to guarantee a return on investment? Sales people can only pitch you the services that they have to sell; TACTICS not STRATEGY. They are not trained to even consider the best strategies for your business success. They offer tactics that may, or may not work for you. If they don't give you a written, guaranteed measurement for ROI...well, maybe something is wrong with what they are selling you.

How do you create 100% improvement?

You improve 100 things 1%.

Differentiate or Die

Every one of your competitors marketing is the same: Better quality, better service, better products, lower prices, big discounts...more, better, best ad-nauseam! What ever happened to the "Unique Selling Proposition"? The golden "USP"? Your customers are FLOODED with marketing messages every day; what are you doing to distinguish yourself from the rest of herd in your market? Can your customers tell what is different about your company the moment they look at your website, read your ad, talk to anyone in your company???

Automate or Die

The Hard cold facts are simply this: If you don't create well thought out, scalable processes driven by strategic thinking in your business, your competitors will eat your lunch! Your top competitors have access to technologies and tools that can dramatically increase their performance and competitive advantages while you try to juggle an ever increasing number of balls in the air. Strategy, process, automation, and scalability are the keystones of success in your fiercely competitive market. Make no mistake, process and automation are the roads to stability and growth.

Strategize or Die

It is a tragic condition; the vast majority of owners and managers of small and medium businesses simply do not understand the difference between tactics and strategies. A soldier executes tactics and wins battles. A general conceives and implements global strategies that win wars. Business strategists contemplate the whole of the business and the primary fulfillment of the business vision. Tactics come out of well designed strategies, not the other way around. The cart can't drag the horse.

STOP SPECULATING! You need proven strategies backed by verifiable data if you are going to grow and sustain your business in your fiercely competitive market.

"What gets measured, gets managed". It may seem overwhelming at first, but if you ask the right questions in your business and spend more time working "on" your business than working "in" it, you will always find the revenue and profit breakthroughs that you have been dreaming of. The return on your investment of critical thinking and strategic implementation will give you the business you dreamed of when you started, ironically with a fraction of the effort.



Get no-nonsense, straight-up, strategic guidance, direction and executable planning to exponentially grow and sustain your business.

"After 27 years of business success working with the fortune 500 hundred to small local companies, I have seen enough to know that companies small and large are their own worst enemies. Business success is not rocket science, yet over 65% of new business fail in the first five years and of the remainder, hardly more than 15% ever reach their goals. Worse than that, owners that do survive, work 5, 10, 15+ years "In" their business and can't sell it when they want to retire, because they "Are the Business".

Kevin Connor

Founder, CEO

"After over 35 years of working for the biggest ad agencies on Madison avenue, without fail, no matter how many years the company has been in business, we are able to to find so many specific, breakthrough strategies that can be effectively implemented and sustained, that we know that any business owner that is committed to success can create a thriving business that will support their goals and vision of success"

Tony Plies

Chief Strategist

"We have literally tripled our revenue and improved our margins by 23%."

Strategic Position Group will help you find and support you in making the incremental changes to your business, many of which do not require additional expense, that will enable you to systematically and predictably increase your revenues, profit margins and happiness!

They say 'the more you tell, the more you sell



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They say 'the more you tell, the more you sell



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